"Angels Among Us" Limited Series Prints

"Angels Among Us" Limited Series Prints


Coming Soon!

Limited Series Prints from "Angels Among Us" Art Show

Signed Archival Drawings & New Ones!

Original Archival Charcoal Drawings!

By animal artivist and dolphin explorer, Dove (Dolphingirl), aka "Leah"

With ALL proceeds benefiting animal advocacy and 10% to the Dolphin Project (@dolphin_project)

p.s. went to UCSB back in the 80's, was a science major in marine biology, yet on Christmas day, my best friend suddenly died in a plane crash with his family (he and I used to draw together, yet I never felt like much of an artist), so in my dazed grief, I drew a very large charcoal drawing of a dolphin swimming under the oceans, and was happily admitted into the College of Creative Studies by Hank Pitcher from 1 dolphin drawing!!!

Since then, my life has always been a combination of the arts and sciences, like storytelling with the cognitive sciences of dolphin communications.

Cool thing is, been using the amazing pencils and products of General Pencil Company all these years!

Waves of love!

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